Nuova release dei driver video Radeon, versione 20.7.1, con un interessante changelog e molti bug fixes.
Aggiunto il supporto a Disintegration e migliorato il Tool per riportare Bugs.
Le correzioni più interessanti:
- Saints Row™: The Third Remastered may experience a system crash or hang when changing display mode.
- DOTA2™ may experience frame drops when Radeon Chill is enabled and the system is left idle for a short period of time.
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ may experience an application crash or hang when loading into some train stations.
- DOOM Eternal™ may experience intermittent corruption on Radeon RX 5600 series graphics products.
- DOOM Eternal™ may experience a system hang when HDR and Radeon Overlay are enabled.
Il changelog completo e download QUI
Il supporto a Death Stranding se lo sono dimenticato?