Nuova release dei driver video Radeon, versione 20.9.1, con un interessante changelog e molti bug fixes.
Non vi è, questa volta, nessuna ottimizzazione specifica per qualche gioco, ma piuttosto una serie di Bug Fixes.
Le correzioni più interessanti:
- Project CARS 3™ may experience performance issues when the Radeon Software performance metrics overlay is enabled.
- A black screen, system crash or TDR may occur while gaming when performing task switches, enabling performance metrics overlay, or having video content/web browsers open on secondary displays on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products system configurations.
- On some displays, power cycling the display while Radeon FreeSync is enabled may cause the display to remain black until the system is rebooted or the display is hot plugged.
- Flickering may occur in Borderlands™ 3 in some locations when Radeon Boost is enabled.
- Performance Tuning fan profiles may sometimes not be applied after loading a saved profile.
- Random color corruption may intermittently occur on some surfaces while playing matchmaking in Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive.
Il changelog completo e download QUI