Nuovi drivers da parte di Nvidia 526,86 una release interessante che punta a risolvere i problemi riscontrati da diversi utenti nella riproduzione del videogioco Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, oltre a ottimizzarne le performance e introdurre DLSS e Nvidia Relex, quest’ultimo, che punta ad abbattere le latenze di sistema, particolarmente importante in un titolo che vanta, oltre a una sontuosa campagna single player, anche un solido Multiplayer.

Compreso nel pacchetto anche un fix per alcune corruzioni grafiche in Forza Horizon 5, recentemente aggiornato con un più esteso supporto al Ray Tracing.
- [Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II] Flashing corruption can be seen randomly while playing the game. [3829010]
- [Call of Duty: Vanguard] Game may randomly crash after extended gameplay [3841398]
- VTube Studio crashes to black screen after driver update [3838158]
- GPU may get stuck in P0 state after exiting certain games [3846389]
- [Anvil Engine Games] Environment flickering [3843932]
- Drop in 8K60 AV1 decoding performance on RTX 4090 [3835745]
- [Forza Horizon 5] Some PC configurations may see rainbow-like artifacts in game after extended gameplay [3685123]
- Toggling HDR on and off in-game causes game stability issues when non-native resolution is used. [3624030]
- [DirectX 12] Shadowplay recordings may appear over exposed when Use HDR is enabled from the Windows display settings. [200742937]
- Monitor may briefly flicker on waking from display sleep if DSR/DLDSR is enabled. [3592260]
- Maxon – Cinema4D + Redshift3D vidmemory allocations cause TDR or Driver Crash [3659104]
- RedCine-X Pro potential crash while working with effects during video playback [3809401]
- Desktop Window Manager (dwm.exe) service may report higher GPU usage on some RTX 30- series configurations [3830387]
Workaround: disable Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling from the Windows Settings - [Daz Studio] Application crashes after updating to latest driver when trying to run simulation [3838022]
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